"N=8" and Chen et al 2023 links are now fixed.

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Confessions: I have not done any of the reading but this note surprised me. This conspiracy of silence is what surprised me really. I recall reading several articles in the Economist starting early 2021 drawing doubt on the validity of puberty blockers and the assumptions in America that dysphoric interventions were not to be questioned. But then again the economist isn't a US paper...

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I'm not a subscriber to the Economist but I'd believe you; I know they published Jesse Singal's recent report on how the White House successfully pressured WPATH to drop age guidelines. I thought of them as dead center though. It's also the case that UK publications apart from the BBC and to some extent the Guardian have been discussing the issue more freely than those in the US thanks to a plethora of well-informed dissenters, not least Hannah Barnes.

"Conspiracy of silence" was Milosz's term for Poland during Stalinism; Herman and Chomsky were clear that no intentional conspiracy was necessary for news media to behave in the way that they did.

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